From the morning of Saturday 16/7 to the evening of Sunday 24/7. This trip is designed for a small group, prepared for full days of walking from early in the morning. Led by Marianna Koromila with a local guide. The group will be limited to 22 to 26 people in order for us to navigate easily on foot through the city.
The downside of the trip will be the heat and humidity of Istanbul in deep summer. But the advantage will be the relative reduction of tourists in this period, as well as the absence of many locals (and their cars) on holiday. These dates also make it possible for some of our members who find it hard to be away for five working days at other times of the year to join us. And if we are lucky, we will have the summer light to accompany us on our perambulations.
Please declare your interest and we will provide you with the detailed program.