A dull, grey and rainy Thursday. An unusual May. A climate that leaves you feeling you don’t know what to expect next. But through the greyness a flag flies at half mast, reminding us that we are not alone as we stumble on in the dull haze. The Sacred Rock of the Acropolis is still part of our life. And the Acropolis was honoring the memory of Lakis Santas, just as he honored its memory over seventy years ago when he removed from it the Nazi flag with his friend Manolis Glezos. The Rock at the city center is a living thing. And after the funeral, it was illuminated by the light of the setting sun reflected in the Attic sky as only the Sacred Rock of the Acropolis can be. And I was grateful.
Marianna Koromila.
Acropolis 5 May 2011. For Lakis Santas. MK